Partnering with families to bring their children into a transforming life relationship with Jesus Christ and nurturing them into a growing faith that reaches out to our community and the world.

2025 Summer Blast




2024-25 Children’s Program Registration

Sunday Classes

9:00 AM 1) Shining Stars - 18 months - Kindergarten
2) World Changers - 1st - 5th Grade

10:30 AM 1) Toddlers - 18 months- 3 years
2) Preschool - 4-5 years
3) Kindergarten
4) 1st - 2nd Grade
5) 3rd - 5th Grade

Friday Fun Night!

7:30-9:30 PM

DCCC Missions Conference Resource

“Who Are Frontier People Groups?” is an illustrated prayer guide with stories of 31 of the largest Frontier People Groups that have yet to hear the good news of Christ. 

Each page includes a character design, story, stats on the people group, prayer items, and a QR code to "Prayer Cast" (a video prayer site) to continue in prayer. 


We invite you and your family to pray for people of all nations to hear the good news of Jesus!

Download a  PDF copy of the guide here: 


Come work with children from toddlers to 5th graders!

Children’s Ministry is always looking for new co-workers to join the team. We have openings for teachers and assistants, worship leaders, and cleaning crew. Please contact our core team members or email for more information.