Acacia is a ministry of the Davis Chinese Christian Church (DCCC) located in Davis, California.

As a fellowship of young adult/career, graduate students, and couples/families, we strive to deepen our relationship with God and be a Christ-centered community that glorifies God with our lives, and compels one another toward love and good deeds.

Acacia sponsors small groups that meet weekly. Small groups are a place of intimate community, where we can share of ourselves deeply, rest in each other’s presence, and experience accountability. Our collective experience of interacting with scripture and praying together draws us together as a community, and draws us nearer to Christ.

The common goals of all Acacia small groups are to help us grow in Christ, build deep relationships, uphold each other in prayer, experience unity with the Body of Christ, and reach out to others. The group also hosts socials on the fourth Sunday of each month, retreats/outings, and other venues to get to know others and serve our community.

Come join us! For more information feel free to email or check out our Facebook page:
